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Benvenuti su Supernova ^^

Se non sapete cosa sono i torrent e come scaricarli,andate nella sezione Software P2p,
altrimenti la sezione Locandine è tutta vostra Smile

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    My Music- Part Of The List


    Numero di messaggi : 1000
    Reputazione : 33
    Data d'iscrizione : 20.08.08

    My Music- Part Of The List Empty My Music- Part Of The List

    Messaggio  *Eluen* Mer Feb 22, 2012 6:25 pm

    Solo una canzone per chi non ha dimenticato...

    Part of the List

    Style of your hair,
    shape of your eyes and your nose,
    the way you stare
    As if you see, right through to my soul,
    It’s your left hand and the way
    that it’s not quite as big as your right,
    the way you stand in the mirror
    before we go out at night,
    Our quiet time,
    your beautiful mind,
    They’re a part of the list.
    Things that I miss.

    Things like your funny little laugh,
    the way you smile or the way we kiss.
    What I noticed is this:
    I come up with
    something new, every single time
    that I sit and reminisce.
    The way you sweet smell
    lingers when you leave a room,
    (you leave a room)
    Stories you tell as we lay
    in bed all afternoon.
    (all afternoon)
    I dreamed you now every night
    in my mind is where we meet.
    (my mind is where we meet)
    and when I’m awake
    staring at pictures of you asleep.

    Touching your face,
    invading you space.

    They’re a part of the list.
    Things that I miss.
    Things like your funny little laugh,
    the way you smile or the way we kiss.
    What I noticed is this:
    I come up with
    something new, every single time
    that I sit and reminisce.
    Oooh, and you’ll live in my memories forever more I swear.
    And you’ll live in my memories forever more I swear.

    They’re a part of the list.
    Things that I miss.
    Things like your funny little laugh,
    the way you smile, or the way we kiss.
    What I noticed is this:
    I come up with
    something new, every single time
    that I sit and reminisce.


      La data/ora di oggi è Gio Lug 04, 2024 1:43 am