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    Apple Final Cut Studio Pro 5 1 Suite PROPER MAC ISO-OSX

    Kaziglu Bey
    Kaziglu Bey

    Numero di messaggi : 432
    Reputazione : 23
    Data d'iscrizione : 18.08.08
    Località : Roma

    Apple Final Cut Studio Pro 5 1 Suite PROPER MAC ISO-OSX Empty Apple Final Cut Studio Pro 5 1 Suite PROPER MAC ISO-OSX

    Messaggio  Kaziglu Bey Gio Mar 19, 2009 3:20 pm

    Apple Final Cut Studio Pro 5 1 Suite PROPER MAC ISO-OSX

    Release: Final.Cut.Studio.5.1.Suite.PROPER.MAC.ISO-OSX

    Type: Editing suite

    DVDs: 1xDVD9

    Date: 04/2006: Information: MeLA was the first to release this app, but it was incomplete

    they seemed to pack a zip file inside the rar, rather than using

    a toast/dmg image, their file size seems to be very small (402mb)

    compared to ours (1.4GB)

    Final Cut Studio 5.1 now native. Take advantage of up to 2x

    the performance when you run Final Cut Studio 5.1 Universal on

    the MacBook Pro, featuring the Intel Core Duo processor

    You know the benefits of keeping all your production under one roof

    Why not keep all your production tools in one box? Final Cut Studio

    combines the industry-standard Final Cut Pro 5 including powerful SD

    DV and HD editing capability with the real-time design engine of

    Motion 2 for stunning motion graphics, the flexible audio creation

    and control tools of Soundtrack Pro and the sophisticated SD and

    HD DVD authoring features of DVD Studio Pro 4: Website: How to: 1. Unrar

    2. Mount or burn

    3. Install and use


    Note: this DVD contains Final Cut Pro (amongst other small things), but

    more importantly.... it is the primary installer for

    Final Cut Studio... and depending on what you choose to

    install, it will ask for the other DVDs in the suite

    This Installer guides you through the

    steps necessary to install the Final Cut Studio

    applications, including Final Cut Pro 5, Soundtrack Pro

    Motion 2, DVD Studio Pro 4, LiveType 2, Cinema Tools 3

    Compressor 2, and Apple Qmaster 2, and also unlocks the

    functionality of QuickTime Pro 7

    Please seed after you.
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      La data/ora di oggi è Sab Lug 06, 2024 4:34 pm