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Se non sapete cosa sono i torrent e come scaricarli,andate nella sezione Software P2p,
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    Windows Mobile 6 Apps and Games for Smart Phones

    Kaziglu Bey
    Kaziglu Bey

    Numero di messaggi : 432
    Reputazione : 23
    Data d'iscrizione : 18.08.08
    Località : Roma

    Windows Mobile 6 Apps and Games for Smart Phones Empty Windows Mobile 6 Apps and Games for Smart Phones

    Messaggio  Kaziglu Bey Gio Mar 19, 2009 4:26 pm

    Windows Mobile 6 Apps and Games for Smart Phones

    Windows Mobile 6 Apps and Games for Smart Phones.
    Tried and tested on HTC Touch Smart Phone.

    Various Apps to make your Smart Phone more enjoyable (smarter), Search WiFi, Remote Desktop to your home PC, Winamp Remote control through WiFi, Media Player with various functions, Youtube Player, VOIP for cheap phone calls, Streaming Net Radio, and the list goes on...

    Various Games to challenge your skills (mind), Tetris, Snake, Mine Sweeper, RooksRevenge, just to many to mention..

    And finally the Rom upgrade for HTC Touch Smart phone that will patch the current Windows Mobile v6 to v6.1

      La data/ora di oggi è Sab Lug 06, 2024 5:04 pm